one soul having more senses is more violent and harmful than killing many souls with one sense and hence lower consciousness. Based on this belief, eating many vegetables is a less violent at than killing one animal for food. All foods, except vegetables, Fruits and grains are obtained by killing or harming a living being with two or more Sense. Therefore, Jainsim Promotes consumption of only vegetarian Foods (Non-animal Products).
The following are four sub-categories of the Panchendriya Jiva, Naraki (Infernal) Tiryancha (Animals)
Dev (Celestial) Manushya
Jiva living in hell, Elephants, lions, birds, fish, etc.
Heavenly beings, Human beings.
Among the five sensed beings some have minds and some do not. Those having a capacity of rational thinking are called Sanjni Panchendriya and those without it are called Asanjni.
mong all of these Jiva the worldliest happiness is found in celestial beings, while the worldliest suffering is found in infernal beings. Neither celestial nor infernal beings can take any vows.
They cannot attain salvation during that life. Animals possess limited restraint only and, therefore, they also cannot attain salvation directly. The human state of existence is the most preferable to attain salvation, because during that life one can use logic to the fullest extent, can perform austerities, and can live with restraint. Thus, only through the human phase a Jiva can attain salvation or Moksha.
Il Jivas have special attributes related to the body such as Paryapti (power). and Prana (vitality). The inert substance or Ajiva does not possess any such quality.
Following is the relating Paryapti and Prana.
Bio-potential Power Paryaptia
a special power
aryapti means through which the Jiva takes in matter (Pudgals) like food and converts it into different kinds of energy. There are six kinds of Paryaptis:
1. Food
3. Senses
5. Speech
2. Body
4. Respiraton
6. Mind
Living beings - 6 substances I