are mental processes. Right knowledge must be free from three main defects: doubt, delusion, and indefiniteness.
Right faith & right knowledge are required for right conduct, and all are interdependent. Jains dedicate themselves to proper conduct through vows and sub vows. Vows are at the heart of Jain morality and are undertaken with a full knowledge of their nature and a determination to carry them through.
oul's ultimate destiny is Moksha.
Right conduct must ultimately lead to liberation. The main goal of a human life is to free one from attachment (Raga) and aversion (Dvesha). That is to be free from all impure activities of thought, word, and deed. This will attain the state of perfect equanimity.
Understanding of Samyag Darshan, Samyag Jnan, and Samyag Da Charitra itself is not good enough to take us anywhere but we would have to apply them in real practice to their fullest to get the actual results. It should also be remembered that we would have to follow all three, SamyagDarshan, Samyagnan and SamyagCharitra. At the same time because if we follow only one or two of them, they will not take us too far on the road of spiritual pursuit.
For practical purpose, right conduct comprises ethical codes, rules, and discipline which a human being is required to pursue for ultimate freedom.
This resolves into taking the five great vows of an ascetic or twelve limited vows of householder.
The trinity is necessary for a successful life. This threefold discipline helps us to realize our own intrinsic purity. The trinity must be cultivated collectively to ensure liberation. Individually, they are incomplete and insufficient because they are mutually dependent. Collectively, the three jewels produce harmony, contentment, and bliss with the progressive march of the soul to higher planes.
Jain Prayers
Five Great vows are: Non-violence - Ahimsa Truth
- Satya Non-stealing - Asteya Chastity
- Brahmacharya Non-possession - Aparigraha Non-attachment
Positive thinking without positive actions ends in zero results.
aa dhe