After undergoing fasts for 400 days (thirteen months and nine days), Rishabhadev passed by a sugarcane farm located near the town of Hastinapur. The farm belonged to his great grandson, Shreyans. He offered sugarcane juice to his Great Grandfather. Thus, Rishabhadev ended his long fast with sugarcane juice. It was the third day of the bright half of the month of Vaisakha known as Akshaya Tritiya Day.
not guide his followers on how they should live their life as monks. His followers could not fast like him and they did not want to go back. They were confused and started behaving on their own accord. They decided to live on fruits and vegetables obtained from the nearby jungles.
After sometime, Rishabhadev could see their miserable condition. Jain monks are not supposed to pick any fruits and vegetables from trees by themselves but go to lay people's house for alms (for food). He therefore decided to demonstrate the way a monk is supposed to live. Rishabhadev started going from house to house for alms in silence. However, people did not know what to offer. Rishabhadev was once their beloved king. They offered him ornaments, their girls, their homes, and other valuable items but no one thought of offering food. As a result, Rishabhadev had to continue fasting day after day.
Keep your thoughts positive because Your thoughts become your words,
Keep your words positive because Your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because Your behavour become your habit. Keep your habits positive because Your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because Your values become your Destiny.