Rays of Dharma
In Mumbai a judge had once to go for some urgent work. For that purpose, he speeded the car without regard for the traffic rules. The traffic police saw it, but did not intervene. After completing the work, however, the judge went to the police station and admitting the breach of traffic rules, he volunteered to pay the penalty fixed for the purpose. This is an example of being shy of doing anything wrong.
What is seen at present is loss of shyness. What good can the laws do, if every one is out to get benefit by resorting to breach thereof? The people should realize the importance of remaining afraid of breaches and avoid doing anything that is against the interests of the society. There was a time, when people used to have regard for the society and held the leaders in esteem; they hesitated to indulge in unsocial activities. The conditions have now changed. Self indulgence prevails and the people do whatever they like, irrespective of its impact on the society.
Feeling afraid of sin has a religious dimension. Such a person cannot do anything against the religion. It is therefore said 'Dharmo rakshati rakshtah'. It means that if one protects the religion, the religion will protect him. The conditions have at present been reversed. People are seen axing the very tree of religion. It is difficult to say where that trend would lead us. If it does not change, we are going to be doomed. It is the time to remember the other part of the above saying, viz. 'Dharmo hanti hantah'. It means that if religion is killed, we would be killed.