crooked and would not mind hurting others for his selfish ends. It is therefore said that we can save ourselves from a snake or a wild animal by taking necessary precautions, but it is hard to escape from the evil designs of crooked ones.
A kind person cannot be harsh; that is the law of nature. He, who wants to feel cool, cannot afford to sit near a furnace. A religious person should be able to extend soothing impact to everyone who comes in his contact. He must be delicate at heart and be pleased to see the happiness of others. The heart of a religious man is soft like wax or butter that would melt at the sight of other's misery. Let us cite an example.
There was a gentleman from Charotar in Gujarat conducting a large business in Africa. He had the mark of a wound on his forehead. His friends used to advise him to go in for plastic surgery and remove the spot. He, however, did not agree and said that the wound was his Guru. When asked to explain it, he used to say: "I was raised in a poor family and lived in a hut along with my mother. She used to earn our livelihood by grinding for others. There was a building nearby and we, kids, used to play in its large compound. Amongst us there was the son of a wealthy family. He used to come with pockets full of almonds and cashews. Once I asked for a few of them, but he refused because his mother had asked him not to share with anyone.
"I went home crying and asked my mom for almonds or cashews. How was she to bring them? Tears came in her eyes because she could not satisfy my desire. She went to that lady and said, 'Madam, I am happy that God has given enough to you; but it would be a favor, if you do not send your son to play with almonds and cashews.' The lady was not in a mood to hear it and said, 'Who are you to advise me? My son will bring almonds and will eat; they are not meant for paupers like you.'
"In despair my mother came back. I asked her for almonds again. She was enraged by what the lady had told her. Out of rage she took a stone and hit it on my forehead. I was wounded and the blood started