Chapter Discretionary Gentleness
Popularity arises by virtue of internal attributes. A popular person endeavors to work for the well-being of self as well as of others. Those who do not have such attributes, may profess to be popular, but they would soon get exposed. The people are not foolish enough to give respect to any Tom, Dick or Harry. They do it when they notice appropriate attributes. Moreover, it is not easy to maintain popularity. For maintaining it, one has to behave like water, when he has to face the fire of ire.
Some social workers complain that people do not remain grateful. They are wrong. Such people do not have any asset in the form of discretion and politeness, and yet they come out for public service. They need to realize that the people are going to test them and give respect, if they notice the real worth. Popularity does not arise by mere outward show; it arises from true worth, from one's character.
A popular person also needs to be open at heart. He should be willing to listen to others and ponder over the same. There is, however, a shortage of such liberal approach. Most people happen to be parochial and harbor prejudices. That leads to all sorts of discords, disputes, divisions and conflicts. Even though the educational level has gone up, the people are still fighting in the names of castes, languages, regions etc.