Rays of Dharma
potentialities that can be manifested by treading on the right path indicated by the great men.
That manifestation can transform the mode of life. As such, one should go ahead irrespective of criticism or likelihood of failure and present to the world the truth that he comes across; he should go by his intuition. Every one thus needs to use his intellect and other abilities to the extent possible. As unused arms get rusted, so does the capability go waste, if not adequately exercised.
Youths are the symbols of energy; they have to become the torchbearers. They should never look down at elderly people. He, who runs down the old people, happens to run down his own old age. Moreover, they should treat women with respect. Women should feel safe in their presence. When queen Kamalprabhä was fleeing from the capital with her son Shripäl in the arm, she initially was scared to see a group of youths. But the leader of the group assured her of the safety and volunteered to help her out of distress. Every youth needs to have that type of boldness equipped with restraint and understanding.
Generosity, sacrifice and politeness are essential attributes for gaining popularity. One who is courteous and generous at heart, gets admired. He would not mind sacrificing the articles of his fondness for the benefit of others. There are, however, people who seem to have been born for enjoyment. They try to collect as much as possible. Such miserly people miss the charm of human life. Even when they have the chance to donate, they try to avoid it. They stand to lose the fruits of even their meritorious deeds. Donation needs to be made enthusiastically.
The life pattern also hinges upon the type of food. One should therefore take care of the purity of food. He, who longs for the food from a place of worship, compromises his self-respect. The slogan should be not to depend upon others' charities and not to get anything free. Depending upon charity constitutes cowardice; it amounts to discounting one's own capability. One should learn to stand boldly upon his feet.