Giving up Insignificance
We come across quite a few people who contemplate about trifling matters and wallow over the same. One should actually forget such matters. He, who can forget them, is really fortunate. Do we not remove the garbage and dump it in a dustbin? If one opens up his dressings while getting healed, the wound revives and it becomes hard to get healed. Similarly by wallowing over the matters worth forgetting, one revives the old wounds and becomes unhappy. By repeatedly indulging in such wallowing one gets conditioned to it and then even the ambrosial words of enlightened persons fail to have impact upon him.
Forgiving is a great virtue. The capacity to forgive the wrongs of others is a measurement of one's nobility. If a dog happens to lick one's face, does he try to lick the dog as tit for tat? One behaves according to his understanding and the level of intelligence. It is therefore unnecessary to behave inappropriately with the wrong-doer. When he emits the fire of bitterness, we should behave like water and cool him down.
What can we expect from an unintelligent person? Is it possible for one to give what he does not have? We should rather understand his level and feel compassionate over it. One unnecessarily happens to feel bad for the sake of trifling: someone criticizes him and he gets unhappy. He should better ponder over what the man has said. If what the man has said is true, he should feel thankful and try to change himself. If it is not true, he should forget it and stop worrying about the same. For realizing this it is necessary to have serenity of mind. When one cultivates it, he gets imbibed with subtlety that would enable him to forgive.
One person took a vow to serve a saint before taking meals and tried to keep it scrupulously. One day he could not come across any saint who was in need of his service. He considered that day as futile and felt sorry that there was no one in need of his service. He had, of course, taken the vow for good, but he could not make out the signtificance thereof and felt sad that no saint was sick that day. One therefore needs to cultivate the subtlety in order to understand the significance of what he thinks or does.