The Right Approach
remain worry-free.
Instead of going for outward dazzle, one should therefore try to gain the inner light of truth and non-violence. The luster of a diamond rests upon polishing of its phases. Similarly we have to manifest the immense capability lying within us. No one is born great; everyone has to endeavor for acquiring greatness. We also need to endeavor for manifesting the inner potentialities.
While an average man stays at the service of his sense organs, the enlightened one tames the sense organs to function at his command. If we try the same way, we will also be able to manifest our true capabilities. In order to keep a vessel bright, it is necessary to polish it. It actually requires more energy to keep the mind pure than is required to clean a rusted vessel.
Habits play an important part in lifestyle. We need to form the habit for learning the truth, for manifesting the infinite capability of the soul. The soul is distinct from the body; they are not identical. When inner doors are opened up, one becomes aware of his true inherent worth. Thereafter he does not remain a slave to the sense organs; on the contrary he directs them to the desired ends. He makes out that in the unfathomable sea of worldly life, it is very rare to gain the human life where it is possible to realize the true nature of the soul.
One can do this by resorting to the religious mode. As it is not possible for a poor man to buy diamonds, rubies, etc. so is it not possible to resort to the religious life without cultivating the required attributes. Only those, who are having the wholesome Karmas to their credit, will be able to do so. This is a very vital aspect that can be explored by those, who are equipped with intelligence and the required attributes.
It is said that Chintämani (Desire fulfilling) jewel is more precious than all other jewels. Similarly the jewel of religion is of utmost importance in human life. As it is necessary to have determination