Chapter Hankering for the Shadow
The book 'Dharmaratna Prakaran' contains original thinking and it deals with the essence of human life. We have to consider whether our lifestyle conforms to that essence or we need to look at the lives of great men for that purpose. Reading and contemplating over the book will pinpoint the importance of the human life and will convey how we can make right use thereof. In its absence, our life would remain more like the animal type.
We attach importance to money and measure happiness on that basis. But just think, ‘if one is a millionaire, but is blind, shall we call him happy? Having eyesight is obviously more important than having material wealth. As it is hard to gain all organs intact, so is it hard to get birth in a nonviolent family. One, who is bred in nonviolent culture, will feel sad, if he sees a drop of blood. This happens because he has
p in compassionate environment. Those, who are not imbibed with that culture, remain wedded to worldly ways of life. Getting birth in a non-violent family and being equipped with all efficient organs are therefore the pre-requisites for making life worthwhile.
A very beautiful child was once born in a noble family at Chennai. Everyone was pleased to see it. But its lower limbs were not functioning and it was in a helpless condition. It is therefore valuable to get all the limbs and sense organs intact. But that is not enough;