Having an Open Mind
we fail to do so, we are going to lose a lot that is good, virtuous and worthwhile.
Ächärya Haribhadrabhatt was earlier a learned Brahmin. He was highly knowledgeable, but was not swollen-headed. He had an open mind and was prepared to learn anything worthwhile. Once he heard the nun Yäkini reciting a verse about the sovereign rulers arising during the time-cycles. Haribhadrabhatt could not make it out, because what she was uttering was in Ardhamägadhi. When he asked her about it, she advised him to go to her Guru.
The Guru had gained expertise in all six ideologies. While elaborating them he showed how Jainism stands ahead of them. That led Haribhadrabhatt to adopt Jainism. He became a monk and turned out to be one of the greatest Ächäryas. He has written copiously, but in all his works he has termed himself as Yäkinisunu, (Son of Yäkini). That shows his acknowledging of the obligation of the nun. It is not easy; one should have the gentleness and modesty to do so.
That modesty is evident even in case of Dattatray. He treated everyone from whom he learnt even a bit as his Guru. He counted twenty-four of them, of which four are worth mentioning. One was a dog, from whom he learnt the attribute of loyalty; second was a swan, from whom he learnt discretion; third was a crane, from whom he learnt the art of concentration; and fourth was a crow, from whom he learnt alertness. He thus considered even the dumb animals as Gurus, while we fail to treat even an enlightened person as a Guru.
Now-a-days when everyone happens to consider himself as knowledgeable, where is the scope for learning? If one wants to elevate his soul, he needs to go to an enlightened person, whose words are convincing and are in accordance with the scriptures. The aspirant should attentively listen to and contemplate over the same. After correctly comprehending those words, he should try to put them into practice
Worshiping, Sämäyik, Pratikraman etc. are worth performing, if we understand their meaning and purpose. In that case, they will