This ancient principle of limited possession is extremely significant and valuable in the context of the economic conditions prevailing in the world today. The object is to secure equitable distribution and economic stability for society. A social order based upon this principle of limited possession will certainly prevent' unnecessary accumulation of wealth and its inseparable counterpart, poverty and wretchedness. It will lay the foundation for the welfare of all society.
The principle of Aparigraha, non-acquisition can guide every individual, society or nation in its positive efforts to enhance the happiness of mankind in general. “The Law of Karma”-Deeds or Action
Destiny is shaped by deeds done during the previous birth as well as deeds done during this life. We enjoy the fruits of those good deeds now, during our present life. We should be careful not to fritter away or misuse these fruits. Rather we should think of moulding our destiny for the next incarnation, ever progressing in our spiritual evolution. It is easy to waste these fruits and so much more difficult to utilise them in shaping our future destiny.
Jainism explains joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity, and differentiation in physical, mental and spiritual abilities through the theory of Karma. It explains the problem of inequality and apparent injustice of the world.
Karma can be understood as that substance which we continually absorb as the result of our bodily and mental activity. We produce karma