your mind. Many things are buried inside us. When you were not aware, as a child in school, or in your business life, many thoughts went deep into your subconscious and still lie buried or hidden there. When you sit for meditation, you will notice that thoughts will come. When you are busy, thoughts don't come, but when you sit quietly, they come rushing. That is the first sign that you are becoming aware of them. The thoughts are always there but only come to the surface because you are still. Let the traffic come and let it pass. Don't pay heed to it. All of a sudden you find a good thought, an inspiration, and you catch it. Be one with it. When you are in tune with that beautiful inspiring thought, other lower thoughts will automatically pass by. Meditation with something pleasant is the first way. Something beautiful comes to the surface and you are in tune with it while other things pass. Hidden thoughts will come out and you will feel an unusual lightness and buoyancy.
Another way of meditating is to choose an object or idea to which you respond with feeling: a flower, the moon, a beautiful picture, a calm statue, or peacefulness. Looking at the flower, you notice that it is beautiful; there must be a sense of beauty in you because you see that beauty. If you don't have the sense of beauty within you, how can you see the visible token of beauty? The flower is fragrant and there is something in you which enjoys its fragrance. By connecting yourself with the flower, you feel the universal connection. You are not alone. You are connected with the universe and