That is why all teachers say: "Be Now Here...." If you are somewhere else, either in the dead memory of the past or in the fantasy of the future, it is as if wandering thoughts know and see the open door and walk in. Once they take possession of your brain, they are difficult to drive out. One needs a lot of effort to get rid of them. Thoughts which have penetrated deep become like old tenants. They don't leave willingly. You may not like them, but they are not going to leave you. If you watch your thoughts and live in the present, your life will become different; your mind will be like a garden. Love your thoughts as flowers, and you will make progress. You have to love yourself, fall in love with your own thoughts. When you can say, "I love my thoughts, they are beautiful, they are like gems to me,” when you have that kind of awareness, then every string you touch on the sitar of your mind will create melody. Life will sing with harmony.
Watch each word that comes from your mouth, because it comes from your thinking. See whether it is a healthy, beautiful word or a foul one. If you want to understand the psychology of a man, listen to his words and conversation for one or two days. They will reveal what is inside. The thoughts are the mother, and the words are children. Children often resemble the mother.
Now consider action. Action is last because it shows the inside desire or outside longing. According to our thoughts and words, our behaviour follows. Behaviour is nothing but a by-product of