Perfection is in us. Completeness does not come from outside. To find that inner perfection you have to tune into it, then you can experience and enjoy the harmony inside. If completeness comes from outside, it is borrowed. It is not yours and will not last; it will not remain permanently, perpetually, eternally. Only that which is yours will remain permanently. That is the universal law.
You have to bring out your perfection; to do so you have to be aware of your energy. You have to use it to move in the right direction. To turn on the radio, you get up and turn the proper switch. If you stay seated in your chair and just think of turning it on, it is not going to start. In life also, we must move to bring out what is in us. We have come together for that purpose. I am helping you turn on your own radio so that your inner power can come out. Your personal music will be heard and amplified. Talk given by Poojya Shree Chitrabhanu at Wainwright House, Rye, New York on May 19, 1974.