diffuses the fragrance and colour. Even one single flower can give you illumination. You do not look upon the flower as a common object and thoughtlessly throw it away. You establish communication between life and life. When you sit on the grass, you feel the same thing. You are delicately communicating with inner 'life, and you are growing.
As the shell of an egg is broken and life comes out, in the same way the shell of ignorance is broken and something intelligent comes out. Unfortunately, many people never break through this shell; they die without ever being properly born. Only when you make the real break-through, see and relate to the universe with the extra sense, can you feel and experience real life.
There is a word in Jain philosophy for this sense: pragna. In other schools, it is called the third eye or higher consciousness. There are many different words for that special awareness, pragna. With pragna you break through ignorance, your perception is different. Things dawn on you. Everything you see becomes a means to joy, because your inner mechanism has changed gear-turning all it sees into joy. That is the art. The artist who paints a still life and transmits a living quality onto his or her canvas has this inner sense of perception. This is really ESP. It is not just reading someone's mind, or having a premonition about who is coming to see you. All these are ephemeral phenomena, merely telepathic, child's play, and happen when the mind is becoming clear. You are waiting for some mail, and the next day the mailman delivers the