mons, they evolve through understanding. The moment you know and understand your soul the bonds of sectarianism will automatically snap. When the tree grows big, can the narrow fence which surrounded it when it was a plant, now contain it? Without knowledge of the soul, all talk of unity and equality is superficial, for then there will always be lurking underneath, the desire for fame and honour and at the slightest opportunity it will break through and make a crack in the veneer of equality. The equality preached by the spiritually ignorant is like a mud palace—either water will wash it away or the heat of the sun will crack it.
The vision which comes through perfect knowledge is unique. It brings in its wake natural harmony and pure love. Name, fame, no longer mean anything. All that matters is a world filled with love, a world which is a meeting place of pure souls. The vision of the soul is the supreme ecstasy.
What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you see a reflection of your soul, or of your body? What you see there is not your real self that is invisible. You can see in the mirror
only your body which contains within it your real self. What stands in front of the mirror is merely a