study yourself, to understand yourself. As your reflection is clearest in water that is calm and unruffled, so in a mind that is clean and undistracted, arises in luminous letters the answer to the question: “Who am I?"
"Who am I?" Because people do not know the answer to this question, they are trapped in the illusion of a "borrowed" name-the name which is given to them when they are born, the name by which they know themselves. They want to win honour and renown for this name. Such men, even when they go on pilgrimages or to meet a wellknown sage, always have one eye on the figure they cut, the name they make. They might even arrange for a press photographer or a reporter to be present! So strong is the attachment of this name that often the eyelids of a half-unconscious man on his deathbed will flutter open when his name is called out. He may gaze with blank, unrecognising eyes at his dear ones standing at his bedside, but the magic word has opened his dull eyes for a moment. And after all, what is this name? You were not born with it. It was given to you, given by others; yet how it clings to you! How strong is one's attachment even for a "borrowed" thing! On the other hand, the man who