beings today. Then you, along with your partner, will always be eagerly reaching up to the sublime.
The soul has taken the outer shell of the body as its temporary residence, but it has the privilege to leave this body whenever it wants to. The soul is the master, the body is the slave. As the master says: “This is my servant,” so the soul says: “This is my body."
The very word, “my” or “mine” implies an existence independent of yours. Thus when you say, “This is my house, or my car," it automatically implies that you are not the house or the car, that you and the house or the car have different identities. Similarly the soul can exist independently of the body. There are many delicate people who complain that they cannot endure the heat of the sun on their body. Yet this same body, when discarded by the soul, will bear the heat of the funeral pyre uncomplainingly. You must try to grasp this distinction without involving the self. When you learn to observe things from this detached position, you will realise that so many things which you were accustomed to consider from the point of view of the “self,” will now show themselves to you from the