scar on somebody else's fotehead! My scar has taught me this very wise lesson and therefore do I consider it my 'guru'.”
Each of us must consider how to pass on our spiritual happiness to our children. How should we impart this knowledge to them so that in the course of their lives they do not leave a scar on somebody else's forehead: This is a matter of great responsibility. And to do this successfully we must first have true vision of life and thus purify our soul. This soul is in every one of us. It was there before we were born and will continue to be there after our body is dead; its journey is continuous. This is the knowledge we need to gain.
Why do the sages ask you to fast, to meditate and to learn self-denial: For it is through these that you experience the purity of the mind.
The realisation of the existence of your eternal soul is the dawn of vision in you. When through your deeds, and by setting yourself free from “Kashaya,” you attain the salvation of this soul, it is the final perfection of this vision.
Most people forget the soul and recognise only the body. But nothing worthwhile can be achieved as 52