matter how often you wash them, but with what you wash them. What is taken into consideration is not your efforts, but the means you employed.
Not all your efforts are of any avail if the means you employ are second-rate and ineffectual. To attain purity one needs must use the purest means.
The spiritual field is as vast as the sky and the paths which lead to it are infinite in number and variety. But let us concentrate on the one we have selected. Salvation is our ultimate aim and perfect faith or vision, perfect knowledge and perfect character are
our means.
What do we mean by perfect vision? It is an appetite, a thirst, a hunger.
Sometimes, something catches your eye, it attracts you, it clings to your mind with a leech-like tenacity, feel a yearning for it. You are prepared to spare no pains to attain it. It might be something you have seen in a shop. You want it immediately, but you do not have enough money on you. You make the shopkeeper promise to keep it for you and you resolve to yourself that no matter what happens, you will not rest till you have acquired that thing and have satisfied your longing.