Man's Life is a mine of precious stones. Vision, Knowledge and Character are the three most sparkling gems. Our purpose, in this series of lectures spread over three days, will be to consider the true worth of these three gems.
A diamond is also a stone after all. It would be fatal to eat it. While you possess it you are always in fear of its being stolen, and if you cut yourself with it, you bleed. In spite of that, people seem to think it wonderful to possess this stone; then how much more wonderful, more satisfying, it must be to possess a spiritual diamond! Why has Bhagwan Mahavir compared things of the spirit with this inanimate stone? How can precious stones stand comparison with spiritual qualities? Yet he has made this comparison. Just as in the material world diamond or an emerald is more precious than silver or gold, so in the spiritual world, one who possesses these three gems becomes a wealthy man. His sojourn on this earth becomes worthwhile. Perfect vision, perfect knowledge and perfect character are absolute