emotion he said: “Your instinct does not deceive you. Fifteen years ago, almost to the day, my men and I raided your castle. As we were decamping I saw this lovely child. I set him on my saddle and galloped away. I had no child of my own and so I brought him up as my own son. I have showered on him all this lavish love and care of a father and he has always been devoted to me like a true son for till this moment he did not know the truth; but today he has met his real father.”
The King said with great gentleness and humility: “My throne will soon be empty. It needs an heir. I should like to take him with me now. Would it not please you more if he became King of all this land instead of the leader of a band of dacoits :”
The old chief slowly nodded his assent, and soon the King and his long-lost son rode away to the palace. Amid great pomp and jubilation the King made a proclamation that thenceforth he would spend his old age in quiet retirement and his son would be the new King.
Now let us consider what happens here. The young prince does not have to become a prince, he is a prince; but he is not aware of it. When he learns of