and seers. And the extent to which they succeed in making you conscious of your inner self is a measure of their success and of the perceptivity with which listen to them.
The politician who is elected to office is pleased with himself and feels proud that he has achieved his aim. Yes, he has for five years. But look at his misery, at his down-cast face when his term is over and once again he comes with abject humility on his face, begging for votes, asking people to use their good offices to get him re-elected so that he may once again get this feeling of perfection till next election-time! When you look at all this, when you see his dog-like pleading eyes, when you see the wretchedness on his face, do you not sense the debasement of his soul: For five years his authority, his position, had made him important, had made him great in his own eyes, but now, when that position is precarious, he goes around begging for votes with even more humility and wretchedness written on his face than on that of a common beggar begging for alms!
Therefore, those possessions which sap your inner strength, whose acquisition instead of bringing you true wealth brings you misery and spiritual poverty,