only what we say that is heard, but whatever we think goes out into the universe and returns to us like an ccho or a boomerang. If we want to receive beautiful vibrations from the universe, we have to send out vibrations of a like nature. If we send out negative. thoughts, we cannot expect to receive otherwise.
It takes no effort to receive negative results from our negative feelings. But in order to receive beautiful responses from the universe, we need to learn how to “tune up” our frequency, to "dial” the right program, and to "tune in" to those pure vibrations. For that we need both interest and skill. All potential is there in us, but like a machine, it will not work unless we know how to operate it. Our mission is this: to learn how to tap that potential and actualize its power.
The philosophy of karma is based on the living experience of the seers who were keen observers of themselves and the universe. You must test the philosophy in your own experience and not accept it on faith alone.
The process of karma is this: when you have a feeling of attraction or repulsion (called kashaya or