When you are clear about what you want, you will not be tempted by that which you do not need. When you know yourself, you will know your quest. When you know your quest, you will know others' quest. Without knowing yourself, you won't be able to know others. ..
· A shloka from Yoga Shastra says:
“Atmavat Sarwabhooteshu Sukhi Dukh Priyapriye, Chimtayannatmno-nistham Hinsamanyasaya Nacharet" “When you realize Atma in you, you see in others the same,. . Happiness everybody loves; nobody wants to be unhappy; So carry for others what you like for yourself, Refrain from doing to others that which you would not like for yourself.”
Once a European woman came to India. She loved a certain flower and everywhere she went she brought the seeds of that flower with her. She would say: "I stayed with you two or three days, now I would like to plant my favorite flower in your house.” And the people would bring a pot, some