When a bucket has even a single hole in it, no matter how many times you lower it into the well, the water will run out. What about the mind: Nature is there continually offering all its innumerable gifts. But if the mind has holes in it, how can it retain what it receives: No matter how many times it is filled with the bounty of the universe, it still feels lack and cmptiness.
What makes these holes in our thinking: Our barriers and boundaries, likes and dislikes, resentments, judgments, expectations and projections, in one word, our karmas. Nature has no discrimination. The sun, the rain are for all. The air we breathe is universal; all are breathing universal breath. In our hurry to give labels and categories to the world, we do not see its beauty. We pass by nature's bountiful öfferings.
How to fill up the holes of the mind: Paushadha