Tad eva tasya charitram · Taj jnanam tacha darshanam
According to Hemachandra, the great Jain master of the twelfth century, Jain yoga consisting of the three Jewels of right knowledge, right vision, and right conduct is the cause of final emancipation. What is the ultimate nature of these three? Hemachandra answers,
“It is the self of the wise person that is the right knowledge, right vision, and right conduct. They are nothing but the comprehension of the self in the self by the self on account of the disappearance of the eternal delusion."
Atman sees atma, experiences its own self, upon emerging once and for all .from ignorance, the eternal delusion and reaches final emancipation by becoming one with the three Jewels of right knowledge, right vision, and right conduct, which are none other than its own ultimate nature. ...
When you experience this, you will begin to be able to answer the questions “Who am I?" and "What is the real quality of me?" Little by little answers will dawn in your consciousness and unfold