Once the vibrations of atma are purified to this highest degrée, they are, really speaking, radiations of pure energy. The human mind is merely a tiny portion of this mighty power. Just as the sun gives off rays of warm light and nourishes the universe, so purified atma radiates from its equanimous center beams of universal love and nourishes life with peace and bliss.
In addition to matter which is tangible, there are four other classifications of insentient energy which are intangible. They are abstract principles: movement, rest, space, and time..
Both soul and matter function in this universe relative to these four. The law of motion and rest gives rise to an alternating process, serving the function of balance in the material world. With only : motion, there would be no gravitational pull, and with only rest, nothing would move. Both principles are merely auxiliary causes to the actual movement and rest of soul and matter. What actually initiates the process is the impact created and received by particles, perpetually alternating between movement and rest: They are perpetually striking each other and setting off a chain reaction, like the chimes of