at all to spare." The sage, taking compassion on the man, thought that with such a busy life he could spare perhaps only half an hour, so he said, “All right, half an hour; should that be quite convenient?" But the man said, "No Maharaj, not even that much.” This man seemed to ask for concessions in everything; even where religion was concerned !
The great man said, "Very well, we will reduce it to a quarter. That should suit you." But a man who is not convinced that by association with the saintly he can cleanse himself mentally, is not prepared to spare even a brief quarter of an hour from his work and his pleasure.
A great poet who believed in the cleansing power of association with the saintly, says in his verses, "Go to the saintly; only such can help you to cleanse you of your sins by purging your mind of evil thoughts."
Wherever you go, you will be offered a cup of tea or coffee; or you might be offered a cigarette. If your host is more up-to-date, you might be offered even wine. But alas, there is no one to offer you words of wisdom or spiritual knowledge!
Remember, your so-called friends or clients or merchants with whom you have dealings, are only flatterers who would be happy to see your downfall.