The answer given by the youth was very brief, but to the point. What could be more humane than the saving of a human life with a holy thread ?
A humanitarian approach to life is holier than the mere wearing of a holy thread. Religion has to be practical and not theoretical. It should pulsate with life.
The aim of religion is to establish peace and harmony both at home and in society. Love and tolerance alone can promote concord at home and elsewhere.
The spirit of Amity, if understood well, can bridge the gulf between one religion and another as between one nation and another.
Appreciation and Compassion are in a way two other aspects of Amity.
Appreciation: In this world we come across those who are better than we are in many different ways. Too often do we see the sad spectacle of men filled with envy for those who are more fortunate than themselves. Our prayer teaches us that we should learn to appreciate those who are better, admire them if they are worthier than we are, whether they are of the same religion, race or country or not. If this is practised, much of the envy and jealousy we find in this world would be removed.