The king was amazed; it was extraordinary that a youth from the merchant class, as he evidently was, should possess such exquisite skill in archery. .
Bhimdeva ordered a soldier to go in search of the arrow. The archer said with a shy smile, "My Lord, it would be better to send him on horseback; else he will not be back even by evening."
It was after some time that they heard the galloping hoofs of the horse, and the cavalier presented the arrow to the king. He said he had found it at a distance of six miles !
The king asked the champion what his name was. Bowing gracefully, he replied, “Sire, 'I am called Vimal.”
Vimal was declared champion of archery and awarded the prize to the accompaniment of thundering applause. But that was not all; within a few days, people heard that Bhimdeva had appointed him as his minister.
Those who have seen the magnificent temples of Abu with their lace-like carvings in marble, declare that Vimal was much more than a merchant, an 'archer, or a minister; he was the great architect of Gujarat's culture.