when it is generated by a scripturally prohibited objeci.50 Jayanta's point is really childish, for the fact that a pleasure is generated by a scripturally prohibited object in no way affects the essential character of this pleasure as a physiological state which the organism concerned finds comforting. But the point is pursued relentlessly and in the course of doing so certain important revelations are made unwillingly as it were. The following is a bare report of the duel.
Opponent : What is erroneous about a pleasure ? ..., Jayanta : What is erroneous about a cognition ? Opponent : To identify an object as it is in fact not,
Jayanta : To treat as pleasure what is no pleasure is a case of erroneous pleasure.
Opponent : Is the pleasure produced by a prohibited object no pleasure ?
Jayanta : Is the cognition of x as not-x no cognition ?. Opponent : It is a cognition but wrong cognition. Jayanta : That too is pleasure but wrong pleasure. Opponent : Even this wrong pleasure is of the form of enjoyment.
Jayanta : Even wrong cognition is of the form of apprehension of an object.
Opponent: Even if it is of the form of apprehension of an object it is false of its object.
Jayanta : That too is of the form of enjoyment but is false of its object.
Opponent : Is that pleasure generated by what is not a source of pleasure ?
Jayanta : Is wrong cognition generated by what is not a source of cognition ?
Opponent : It is generated by what is a source of cognition but by a false such source which stands contradicted by perception.
Jayanta : That too is generated by a source of pleasure but by a false such source which stands contradicted by a scripture.
Opponent : Is that source of pleasure not something real ? Jayanta : Is that source of cognition not something real ?
Opponent : Yes, it is not real inasmuch as it stands contradicted by perception.