9. Devadatta, daughter of the house-owner Datta and of Kanbasiri in Rohiņaa (or Robidaa), (A different name in arga 3, 10).
10. Amju, daughter of the merchant Dhanadeva and of Piamgu in Vaddhamāņapura. (A different name in anga 3, 10).
The ten ajjhayanas of the second suyakkhandha are :
1. Subahu, son of king Addiņasatta and of Dhāriņi in Hatthisisa. 2. Bhaddanamdi, son of king Dhaņāvaha and of Sarassati in
Usabhapura. 3. Sujāta, son of king Mitta and of Siri in Virapura. 4. Suvāsava, son of king Vasavadatta and of Kanha in Vijayapura. 5. Jiņadāsa, son of prince (kumara) Mahācaṁựa and of Araba
dattă in Sogamdhitā. 6.418 Dhaộapati, son of the yuvarāja Vesamaņa and of Siri in
Kaņakapura. 7. Bhaddanaṁdi, son of the prince Mahabbala and of Rattavati
in Mahapura, 8. [338] Mahambala, son of the prince Bhaddanamdi, and of
Sughosa. 9. Çamda, son of the prince Mahacamda and of Juvasirikarta
in Campa. 10. Varadatta, son of king Mittanamdi and of Sirikamtă in Sägeya.
All these fine-sounding names, and those brought into connection with them, are in all probability pure fabrications; the names of the localities alone, e.g. Padaliputta, have some chronological value.
The table of contents in anga 4, or Nandi (N), is as follows :se kim tam vivāgasue o vivāgasue naṁ sukadadukkaļānam kammāna phalaviväge419 āghavijjarti, se420 samāsai duvihe, paṁ, tarn : duhaviväge ceva suhaviväge ceva, tattha nam dasa duhavivägäņi dasa suhavivagāņi; -se kim tarn duhaviväge (ogäņi B C)? duhavivägesu naṁ duhavivāgānań (N-omitted in ABC) nagarāi cei ujjā vaņa räyä ammāpiyaro samosaraņa
418 In Vidhiprapa are the following inversions :-Dhaṇavai 6, Mahavvala 7, Bhadda
nandi 8, Mabācamda 9. 419 °ga N. 429 se up to suhavivāge ceva omitted in N; samasuto BC..