10. Caṁdama (camdimā V) candramāḥ; gunavrddhihanilaksandy anartharthau pramådy-apramādinoh.
11. Dāvaddave (@ge Āv.), samudratate vrkşavišesäḥ; märgäradhanavirädhanābhyam anarthärthau, or caritradharmasya viradhakatvam ärādhakatvaṁ ca.
12. Udaga näe, udakaṁ nagaraparikhājalar ; caritrărădhakatvam prak rtimalimasānām api bhavyānāṁ sadguruparikarmaņā bhavati : or saṁsargaviseșåd guņotkarşaḥ.
13. Mardukke, Mamdūkaḥ naṁdimaņikära-śreşthijivaḥ ; sarnsargavišesābhāvād guṇāpakar şaḥ; or satāṁ guņānāṁ sāmagry-abhāve hānir.
14. Tevall 'i ya (Teuli Āv.), Tetali suta277 bhidhāno‘mātyaḥ; tathāvidhasamagrisadbhāve gunasampad upajāyate ; or apamanād vi şayatyāgah. See pp. 271 note 2. 317.
15. Naṁdi phala : [311) naṁdivrkṣābhidhānataruphalāni; Jinopadesát (visayatyägah), tatra ca satyarthaprāptis, tadabhāve tv anarthaprāptih ; or visayābhişvaṁgasyā 'narthaphalata.
16.278 Avarakarnkā, Dhātaķisarda Bharataksetrarājadhāni; tadvisayanidanasya sä (anarthaphalată); or nidānä (t) kutsitadănăd vä anarthah.
17. Āinne, äkirņā jätyaḥ samudramadhyavartino' śvāḥ; iṁdri yebho niyaṁtritebhyaḥ sa (anarthah) ucyate; or imdriyava avartinämitaresář ca 'narthetarau.278
18. Sursumă (Sursa Āv.), Sumsumăbhidhână śreşthiduhita; lobhavasavartinām itareşāṁ ca tãy eva (anarthärthau); or asamv stäśravasye' tarasya ca 'narthetarau..
19. Pumdarie, pur darikaṁ ;280 ciram saṁvsta'sravo bhūtvä'pi yaḥ paścăd anyathā syät tasya. alpakalaṁ saṁvstäśravasya ca tav (anarthetaräv) ucyete.
After the conclusion of ajjh. 19 there follows a special conclusion for the first suyakhaṁdhe, 281 then the usual beginning for the second suyakhardhe held in the same strain as the introduction to the anga itself, and giving in detail the contents of each of the ten vargas.
277 Teyaliputte in the text. 278 Here there is a detailed account of the Doval (Draupadi). 279 i. e., anartharthau. 280 See anga 2, 2, 1. 281 The statement that 19 days are necessary to finish the 19 ajjh. is found here.