6. anga 5,375 gr.194 i.e. 64,500 padas instead of 576,000 7. „ 812
[1,152,000] 8. „ 890 „ ., 10,680
,, [2,304,000] 9. „ 192 „ 2,304 „ , (4,608,000) 10. „ 1,300
15,672 , , (9,216,000] 11. „ 1,316 , , 15,792 , „ [18,432,000]
In the case of angas 1 and 5, the numbers above given are less in the case of all the others, greater than the actual state of the case. In a majority of cases the difference is simply ridiculous. The statement in reference to anga 5 (84,000)195 is not in harmony with the increase in 1-4 i.e. twice the number of the previous. We should expect that anga 5 should have preserved the same ratio, as is the case in N. This statement is in direct contradiction to those statements which are found in the MSS. of anga 5; according to which its extent is not 84,000 (and not 288,000 as is stated in N) but 184,000 padas (Bhag. 1,377), which corresponds well enough to its actual extent : 15,750 gr. – 189,000 padas. The peculiar nature of our statement in reference [289) to 84,000 padas is, finally, rendered more apparent by the fact that it is found in $ 84 of the first part of our anga, on the strength of which it has again found a place here.196 In that ş it is so free from suspicion that I consider it correct for that period and find in this very circumstance a critical criterion or testimony that, at that time, the fifth anga had not yet reached its present extent.
As peculiar as the statements in reference to numbers of padas are those concerning the “34 koți”. i.e. 35 millions, in anga 6. That all this is perfect nonsense, is perfectly apparent. See below. Finally there are several differences of a very surprising nature in the other
bambhaceramayassa pamānam vicitta-attha-nibaddhāni ya sultāni, guruvaesao esim attho jäniyavyo tti. This view of the Curniket (translated by Malayagiri into Sanskrit) seems to be all the more right as the Digambaras ascribe also 18,000 padas to the Ācāra without acknowledging any second Śrutaskandha, see Prof.
Peterson's Second Report, p. 134.-L. 194 Another statement 5,500 gr., or 4,155 gr. 195 Or sarva-milanena 1841 (v. 1. 1894) granthas! 195 So also Abhayadeva, who shows that he is evidently embarrassed in his statement ;
caturasitipadasahasrani padāgrené 'ti samavāyāpek sayă (“in reference to $ 84") dvigunatayā (tāvā ?) iti () nāšrayanat (?), anyatha tad dvigunatve dve taksde 'astačitih sahasrāni ca bhavanti. In the following anga he states the number of padas to be 576000 i,e. twice that of those in anga 5, according to his computation.