samucchetiyā, dokiriya, terasiya, avaddhiya (!) ; eesi ņam sattanha pavayananinhagāņaṁ satta dhammāyariyā hotthā, tam : Jamāli, Tisagutte Āsādhe, Asamitte, Gamge, Calue, Gotthāmāhile ; eesi naṁ paoņam satta uppattinagará hottha, tam : Savatthi, Usabhapuram, Seyabiyā, Mihila, Ullagătiraṁ, puram Astaramji, Dasapura(í) ninhaga-uppattinagarāim. According to 'Avasy. nijj. 8, 61, 88, the last of these schisms occurred in the year Vira 584 ; from this we may derive some basis for chronological determination,158* See Jacobi, Kalpas, p. 15.
An exact examination of this important text is a great desideratum, since in it are contained a large number of significant [276) statements and data. It constitutes a perfect treasure-house for the correct understanding of innumerable groups of conceptions in distinguishing which from one another the pedantic formalism of the Jains was wont to run riot.
The table of contents in anga 4 and Nandi (N) reads : se kiṁ tam thāņe? thane naṁ sasamayā havijjaħti parasamayā sasamayaparasamayā ; jiva hävijjaħti ajivá jivājīvā ; logo alogo logālogo thāvijjaħti ;154 thane nur davva-guņa-khetta-kala-pajjavapayatthä naṁ selā salila ya samudda-sūra-bhavana-vimāņa-āgaraṇadio nidhayo purisajāyāl55 sarà 56 ya gotta ya joisamvāla 57 ekavihaṁ vattavvayam duvihaṁ jāva dasavihaṁ vattavvayam jivāņa poggalāņa ya logatthaiṁ ca ņam parūvaņayā āghavijjai. 158
The commentary is by Abhayadeva, who both here at the end and elsewhere is frequently called navāngivșttikāraḥ Commentaries to angas 3-11 are ascribed to him ; and we have one from his hand on upanga 1.
He calls himself a scholar of Jinesvarācārya159 and of Buddhisägara
153* cf. Kup. 794 (4) where the words in connection with Ayvarakkhia and Pusa
mitta" belong to the last line after gotthārāhila , see Av. N. 8,89. 154 The Jain records on the above seven schisms have been translated into German by
Leumann, Ind. Stud. XVI., p. 91-135.-L. 155 In N, we read jīvā ajīvā jīvāj. at the beginning; then follows loe aloe loyāloe ; and
sasamae p. sasamayaparasamae forms the conclusion, (as also in the case of angas
4 et. seq.); the verb is thāvijjanti in each one of the nine cases-i. e. in the plural. 156 Purisajāya iti puruşaprakāra unnatapranatādibhedaḥ; pāthamtareņa pussajoga
ti upalak sanat vāt pusya dinak satrāņām cam trena saha paścimāgrimobhaya
pramādadiko yogah. 157 svarāś ca şad jādayo. 158 cālā B C ; jyotişaḥ tārārupasamvälanāni (calo. ?). 159 N has instead of thāņe nam davvao the following: askā kādā sela sihariņo'
pabbhārā kumdaiṁ guhā) āgarā daha naio āghavijjamti ; thane nam egāiyāe eguttariyāe vuddhie dasatthāņavivaddhiyānam bhāvānam pasuvaņā āgha vijjanti.