reference to the observance of each of the 5 bhāvanāḥ, as conditions of the five mahāvratas ; and, as an introduction, gives the legends of the birth etc. of their teacher Mabăvira.
The fourth cūlā, vimutti, also having but one udd., consists of only elever jagati-verses.
The table of contents of anga 1, found in anga 4, and in the Nandi is as follows : se82 kim tam āyāre ? āyāre naṁ samaņāņam niggathāṇaḥ āyāragoyare83 viņaya-veņaiyatthāņa84 gamaņacamkamaņa-pamāņa-jogajum. janabhāsāsamitigutti seyyo-'vahi 85-bhatta-pāņa-uggama-uppayaņaesaņāvisohi-suddhāsuddha-gahana86 vaya-niyama-tavo' vahāņa-suppasattham āhijjai [258] se samāsau pamcavihe pannatte : taṁ jahā : nāņāyāre daṁsaņāyāre carittāyāre tavāyāre viriyāyāre. From this we derive but little, information concerning details or for the grouping of the contents. Following upon the table of contents are statements in reference to the division into 2 suyakkh, 25 ajjh, etc ; this is also the case with the following angas.
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I have before me a commentary on anga 1, which was probably composed Saka 798,87 A. D 876, and which at the end of the first part is designated as Nirvṛtakulinaśri sālyaghāryeņa88* Tattvādityāparanämnā Vahari sådhusahāyena kļita ; at the end of the second part as ācāryā silamkaviracită. This commentary is also a commentary on Prakrit niryukti,89 composed in the arya measure. .
In the opening the author refers to other works and to a śastraparijñāvivaranam Gandhahastik rtam, the sära of which he claims to
A2 For this se, which corresponds to the sa of the Sat. Br., see Ind. Streifen,
3, 391. 83 Goara N. 84 Instead of thānao to āhijjai N. has merely : sikkhabhāsābhāsācarana-karanajāyā
māyāvitti (yatrā, mätra, vytti). 85 sayyā upadhi. 86 sayyādinām udgamādiviśüddhyā śuddhānām aśuddhānām ohagrahanam. 87 According to Z. D. M. G. 33,478, it was composed Samvat 550 ; but see Kl. 247b,
where it is noted that the verse, which contains the date is added after the colophon of the MS." and consequently of no great weight' in all probability. It is as follows: Sakavrsay kālāti (lat !) samvat sarasate su saptasu/astanavatit
(navaty adhikesu vaisakhaśuddhapañcamyāmācāraţika kyteti. 88* Misreading for śilācāryena.-L.' 89 Doubtless the same niryukti as that composed by the author of the Av. nijj.
(see ante, p. 252).