the Āvasy. nijj. 16,114, the nisihajjh. was still regarded as a part of the ācāra, and in fact plays a greater role there than in anga 4,25. It is counted as having 3 ajjh. so that not 25 but 28 ajjh. enumerated there.79 Even the Vidhiprapā still designates the nisihajjhayaņam as the pańcami cülā of the second śrutaskandha.
It consists manifestly of different constituent parts, which originally existed independently of each other, but at a later period were brought into conjunction. They begin almost always with the same formula : se bhikkhū vā bhikkhuņi vā abhikamkhe ...
In the Nandi, the angacūliyā is expressly enumerated among the anangapavittha texts. This is not in harmony with the position of our cūlās either at $$ 25,57,85 of anga 4 nor with the detailed treatment of the 12 angas in anga 4 nor in the Nandi itself, since there the second śrutask. with its cūlās is invariably regarded as a part of anga 1. In anga 3, 10 the anga-cūliyā is mentioned as third ajjhayaņam of the samkheviya dasāu.. Consequently reference is made to a text entirely different from these cūlās.
The 7 adhyay, of the first cūla have the following titles:
1. piṁdesaņā; pindai saņā ; with 11 udd ; "collection of the necessities of life" (see Dasaveal. 5) or "rules for eating".
2. sejjā, syyā with 3 udd. ; "couch".
3. iriyā, [256) iryā, with 3 udd.; "conduct of the Sramaņa when he goes out pinda-vasaty-artham".
4. bhāsajjāyā, bhāṣājātam with 2 udd., "what he has to say and what not to say".
5. vatthesaņā, vastraişaņā, with 2 udd. ; vastragrahaņavidhih. 6. pādesaņā, pātraişaņā, with 2 udd., "vessel for the pinda".
7. uggahapadima, avagrahapratima with 2 udd. ; on possession in general.
The second cūlā likewise embraces seven adhyayanas, each of
79 ......bhāvana vimuttil/113// ugghāyam anugghāyam āruvanā tiviham o nisiham tu ia
atthāvisaviho āyārapakappanāmo al/11411. Here we find the correct number of adhyayanas for both śrutask; for śrut. 1, 9, for śrut. 2,16.