recitation of the anga-see Bhagav. 1,377-8, a subject which is treated of at great length in the Vidhi prapā.64 I now proceed to an examination of each of the anga texts.
I. The first anga has, in its existing form, the name āyāra, ācāra, or å yārapakappam65 and treats [251] in two suakkhaṁdhas, śrutaskandas of the manner of life of a bhikkhu.66 The first śrutask., baṁbhaceräis, brahmacaryāņi, contains at present eight ajjhayaņas with 44 uddesagas, the second : 16 ajjh. and 34 udd. It is however definitely stated that the first śrutask, contained previously not 8 but 9 ajjh. and the whole anga consequently not 24, but 25 ajjh. and not 78, but 8 udd. Cf. especially in arga 4 $ 25 and $ 85 and the detailed resume' of the 12 anga found both there and in the Nandi. In $ 25, where the titles of the 25 ajjh, are enumerated one by one, we find the name mahāparinnā, belonging to this ajjh, which is no longer extant placed in the ninth place between 1, 8 and 2, 187* ; and the same circumstance may be noticed as occurring in Āvašy. 16,112 fg. More exact information is found in the Vidhi prapā according to Avašy. 8, 46-49. Here we find that Vajrasvāmin (presumably 584 Vira) extracted68 from it the āgāsagāmiņi vijja; and from the fact that it contained exaggerations (? säisayattaņeņa ; according to Leumann, on account of the excellence of this extract) it was lost, or rather continued to exist only in the nijjuti. It was the opinion of Silaṁka (A.D. 876) that it occupied not the ninth but the eighth place.69 This latter statement is incorrect,70* for [252] in the existing commentary of Silamka?1 the
64 The names of the single ajjhayanas and the number of the uddesagas etc. are speci
fically enumerated in the Vidhi prapa : anga 1, 50 days; 2,30; 3,18; 4,18; 5,77 (a second statement, it seems, allots 6 months 6 days) 6,33; 7,14 ; 8,12; 9,7; 10,14; 11,24. In like manner the author examines and states the number of days necessary for certain work ; āvassaya (8 days), dasaveālia (15), uttar ajjhayana (39) nisīha (10), dasākappavavahāra (20 or 22), mahānisiha (45). A recapitulation in
68 ārvas concludes the discussion; jogavihānam nāma payaranang. 65 See above. p. 223, 224; this is to be studied in the third year after the dikşā. 66 Teaching sacred observances after the practice of Vasiştha (!) and other saints,
. Wilson. Sel. works 1,284 ed. Rost. 67* According to Malayagiri and the Prakrit authority quoted by him (Nandis. p. 425)
between 1,7 and 1,8 (ohānas.)-L. 68 From this it seems as if its contents touched upon the subject of magic. Was this
the cause of its removal ? Cf. the analogous case in anga 10. According to the Ganadhar asardhasata V. 29 (see p. 371) Vajrasv. borrowed the āyāsag. vijjā from
sumahāpainna puvvā u rather than from the ninth ajjh. of the first śrutask. of anga 1. 69 navamajjhayanam vocchinnam, tam ca mahāpaārinnā itto kira āyāsagāmini
vijja Vairasāmiņā uddhariyasi tti säisayattanena vocchinnañ nijjuttimātrañ citthai : Silańkāyari yamaeņa puna eyam, arthamam, vimukkhajjhayanan sattaman,
uvahānasuyam navamam ti. 70* It would suit if Malayagiri were concerned, see the last asterism note.-L. 71 In the opening of ajjhayana 7 we read: adhunā saptamadhyayanasya mahāparijna