9. vinayasamahi, samadhi, in 4 uddesakas, of which the first three in metre, in 17, 23 and 15 vv., treat of the correct vinaya, especially in reference to the guru. The fourth is in prose with the introduction suar me ... and establishes four fixed categories of the correct vinaya.
10. sa bhikkhu-ajjhayanaṁ, in 21 vv. All the verses end, as in Uttarajjh, chap. 15, with the refrain sa bhikkhū, and consequently enumerate the requirements made of a correct bh., who desires to live in accordance with the regulations contained in the preceding 9 chapters.
11. raivakka cülā padhamă, rativakya, in two sections. The first in prose, without the introduction suam [80) me ... enumerates 18 thanas which the bhikkhu must take and fulfil in order gradually to acquire. mukkha. The second, in 18 vv., partly with the refrain : sa paccha paritappai, emphasizes especially the obstacles to this quest and serves stdateh sthirikaranaya.
12. cūla 2 without any special title (also in the Vidhi prapā merely cūliya) in 16 vv., describes the correct course of action of the man of firmness,
The conclusion is formed by the 4 gåthas in reference to Sijjambhava, which have already been referred to. These gåthās are probably of later date. The work is called in v. 1 dasakaliam (as in Āv. nijj. 2,5, and in the Vidhiprapa) and also dasajjhayanam; so that verse 1 at least dates from a period in which the two cūlas had not been added (800 p. 77").
The text is frequently doubtful in the two Berlin MSS. The commentary calls itself an aracūri of the vrhadvrtti of Haribhadrasori.1046 Another avacūri, in bhāsa, is the work of a Rajahansopadhyāya. A laghuvrtti too is ascribed to Haribhadra. See p. 458.
XLVI. Fourth mülasūtram, pindanir yukti. There is no text of this name in Berlin. We find MSS, of it meationed in Kielborn (Report 1881) pp. 9, 26-29, 95, and Peterson's Palm-leaf 1661018. According
1048 Ratnaśckhara (on Pratikramanasūtra) cites this vytti frequently; likewise the
Vicārāmstasangraha quotes c.g. the following verse from it (or from the nijj?): titthayaratthanath khalu at tho, suttan tu ganaharatthanam (sce p. 60) atthena
ya vamjijjai suttam tamha ya so balavam. // 1049 It begins according to Peterson as follows - pinda uggaman uppavane sana"
samjogapappamdneyar, and concludes nijjaraphalā ajjhattha visohijuttassa.
Sering kalandha ya solas Paphat