Jinabhadda is the author of this centolon : parcuttarena, gaha-sāena jjhanasayagar samudditpham / Jiņabhaddakhamdsamaņehi kammasohikaram jaino // 106 1). It had originally, as at present (see Peterson's Palmleaf 77a 161"), a quite independent position and was later on inserted here. This is clear from the fact that the beginning contains a special salutation, which is usual only in the case of independent texts :Viraṁ sukkajjhānag-gidaddhakammimdhanaṁ paņamiuņamljotsaraṁ sara.. nnań, jhānajjhayaņam pavakkhāmi 1/1|| Haribh. cites this dhyānašatakar just as he usually cites his (71] kathåņaka ; ayam dhyānasamäsärthah, vyāsārthas tu dhyānaśatakad avaseyaḥ, tac cedam dhyanaśatakam asya maharthatvād vastunah sāstrāṁtaratvät (!) this is plain; we should have expected 'tvāc ca) prärambha eva vighnavināyakopaśāṁtaye maṁgalärtham istadevatänamaskāram äha : Viram .. The explanation concludes (omitting verse 106) with the words :- samāptaṁ dhyānašatakam, and the commentator proceeds with his explanation of the pratikramana. sūtram : padikkamāmi pańcahim kiriyähis, again having recourse thereby to the pārițshāvaņiyaniy yutti.
15. päritthāvania, 151 (152 P. 1537 B vv. Begins : parithavaniavihir/ bucchami dhirapurisapannattaṁ | jam näūņa suvihid pavayanasāram uvalahamti ||1|| This chapter, too, gives me the impression of having originally enjoyed a separate existence. Nevertheless it is closely connected with chapter 18, since they both share this form of introduction. It is also noticeable that the same. verse recurs with tolerable similarity in 20, 9; from which we may conclude that chapters 16, 18, 20 were composed by one author. Haribh, in this chapter omits or leaves a large number of verses upexplained; and begipping with v. 79. His commentary is partially composed in Prakrit, probably taken from the old bhăşya (sce p. 52). After the conclusion :paristhāpanika samăptă, he proceeds to cite and explain the sūtram : padikkamāmi chahim jivaņikäehim. In a there is an additional chaptor lesdo, with 13 vv., inserted between the conclusion and explanation.
16padikkamanasanghayani, pratikramanasangrahani, "133 (80 PB) vv. The verses, which are not found in [72]B, 1033 are cited in full by Haribh, as a part of his commentary10: The verses which A B have
1032 He appears in Ratnasekhara as the author of a visesavasyaka. See proceding note. 1033 PX also presumably do not contain the verses : A 18-30, 32-43, 50-64, 68-80. 1034 On one occasion he calls these verses (vv, 50-64) niryuktigathas of the sutraki(!),
by which the sutrakyt (!) is said to explain the two preceding verges (48, 49) of the sangrahanikara ! See above p 34n3.