* 12. Harikesiajjm (Hariesi° V) 47 vy. Of the tapaḥsamrddhi of Hariesabala. The stories belonging here and also to the following chapters are related in detail in the commentary.
13. Cittasambhūijjam, Citrasambhūtiyaṁ, 35 vv.; nidānam nidänadoșa | Kampillasambhữo Chitto.
14. Usuārijjam, Işukāriyam, 55 vv. : of the nirnidānatāguna; pure purāne Isugăra näme (i.e, not as Ind. St. 2,843).
[46] 15. Sabhikkhu, 'ugam S,16 vy. Of the bhikṣuguņās. Each verse closes with the refrain : sabhikkhu, cf. Dasaveälia 3,10. Begins : monar carissāmi samicca dhammaṁ.
16. bambhacerasamähitthānań, bambhagutti C, samāhitthānań S. First an enumeration of the ten bambhaceras of the bhikkhu in prose, thon 17 silogas. Of the brahmahacaryagupti.
17. pavasamaņijjar, papaśramaņiyar, 21 vv. Of the papaśramanasvarūpam, and of the papavarjanaṁ. Verses 3 to 19 close with the refrain : pavasamani tti vuccai.
18. Samjaijjań, Samjayiyam, 891 54 yv. Of the bhogarddhityāga. Karpille nayare' rāya / udinnabalayāhane / nāmenań / Samjao nāma / migavvaṁ (mrgavyāṁ) uvanijjae /.
19. Miyāputtiyaṁ, Maoijjaṁ V, Miyacaritta (or Miyācărită) S, 97 vv. Of the nihpratikarmatā, and of Miyāputta, son of King Balabbadda and of Miya; Suggive nayare.
20. mahāniyamthijjaṁ (cf. chap. 6), mahānirgraṁthiyām; anähapayvayya S; 60 vy. Of the anāthatvar; Senio Magahāhivo v. 2. The title found in S agrees with the contents (as was the case with 6 and 7).
21. samuddapālijjaṁ ('lejja V), samudrapältyam, 24 v. of the viviktacarya. Begins : Campāe Palie nama / sāväe asi vänie / Mahavirassa bhagavao siso so u mahappano ||
991 This might be per se for samyatiyam; since the pāpavarjanam is: samyatasyai'va,
sa ca bhogārddhityāgata eva.