41. mahalliya vimanapavibhatt1935 42. aṁgaculia,926 43. vamgaculiya, 44. vivahaculiya,928 45 Arunovaväe,929 46. Garulovaväe,980 [14] 47. Dharanovaväe, 931 48. Vesamaṇovaväe, 932 49. Velamdharovavde, 50. deviṁdovaväe, 51. uṭṭhāṇasue, 933 52. samuṭṭhāṇasue,934 53. nagapariyavaliyão,935 54. nirayavaliyão,986 20, 55. kappaiyão, 986 20, 56. kappavaḍimsayão 937 22, 57. pupphiydo 21, 58. pupphaculiyão 23, 59. Vanhidasão 24, evam-aiyaims caurăsti painnagasayasahassaim bhagavao Valdhamanasamissa; ahavä jassa jattiya sisă uppattiyde venaiyae kammiyae pāriņāmiyae caüvvihae buddhie uvaveya tassa tattiyāim painnagasahassaim, pattegabudda vi tattiya ceva; se 'tam käliam suam. This is the conclusion in the Berlin MS. of N. Dr. Leumann, [15] however, says that this conclusion contains a large lacuna. We find in the edition of N940: evamäiyāim caürăsii painna
926 amgasya "carādes culikā uktānuktārthasaṁgrahat mikä gramthapaddhatiḥ; see pp. 255, 274.
927 so MS. P. Avi, but vagga° Ned, anga 3 (see p. 274) Svi., V. Avac.; vargo 'dhyayananam samuho yatha 'mtakyddaśasv aştau vargās (see p. 320), teşam kalika (culo?)
928 bhagavaticulika, see pp. 274, 296.
929 Aruno nama devas, tadvaktavyatayaḥ pratipadako gramthaḥ, paravartyamānas ca tadupapatahetuḥ so runopapatah; evam garudopapātadayo 'pi väcyah; see pp. 224, 274, 316; cf. Aruna as name of the dawn or as that of the charioteer of the sun. Up to this point the nominatives end in o, from this point on in e; so also in P. 930 Garudo P. In P after 47.
931 So also S, but Varu° in P and scholiast on anga 3, Vara° in the text there (see p 274). The king of the Nägas is probably referred to. 932 In N after No. 49, we find vesamanavaisravana.
953 utthanaśrutam, udvasanahetukam srutam, Avac. See page 224, where mention is made of four ajjh, which begin with utth., and which are the subject of the study of the thirteenth year. In this place, however, we find only Nos. 52-55 devoted to this year; but does No. 50, too, belong in this connection? In Sv. No. 50, stands between 52 and 53.
934 samupasthapanaśrutam, bhuyas tatrai 'va "vasana (?)hetukam śrutam; vakaralopaḥ, prakṛtatvät, Avac.
935 so P. yavaniyão MS.; yavaliyāṇam Svi. V., pariavelianam Avi.: nagakumārās, teşam parijna yatro 'ktā, Avac.
936 so MS. 2 P, lio MS. 1; liyanam S; No. 54 in the existing Siddhanta is the collective name of up 8 to 12 and at the same time the specific title of up. 8; No. 55 is there merely another name for No. 54. See p. 418; and p. 420 for the explanation of 54-59. On page 420 we must read gocara gram.
937 damsi P, dimsi V.
938 Instead of evām äiydim ..P has 60 astvisabhavanão, 61 diffhivisabhavanao, 62 caranasamanabhavanao, 63 mahāsuvinabhavanão, 64 teaginisaggă nam savve him pi eyammi amgabahire kälie bhagavamte... (as above, p. 13, note 3). These five names are cited in S. too with the following variations: caranabhāvanānam (omitted in Avi), mahasuminagabhav. (V., also omitted in Avi.), teyaga (teagga Avi.) nisaggănam. These five texts are found in the same order in the kärikäs mentioned in p. 224 as designed for the fourteenth to the eighteenth year of study. Teyanisagga is the special name of the fifteenth book in anga 5. See p. 301n.
939 See above p. 8, note 1; dutpattiki, vainayiki karmasamutthā pāriņamiki.
940 The Avac. agrees with the account in our MSS. :-evam adini caturafitis amkhyani prakirnakasahasrani Ṛṣabhasvaminas, tāvatpramāṇānāṁ framaṇasahasranam sambha