humarn kanagasattar888 vaisesiyam884 Vuddhavayaņam885 vesiyar886 Logāyatam sațshitartam887 Mädharam888 purāna vägaranam Bhägavayam88,9 Paamjali Pussadevāyan lehaṁ (helaṁ MS) ganiam saunarūyar890 näda. yai891 ahavä [10] bävattari kalūo cattari ya veya saṁgovarga. The commentary offers nothing in explanation 892 te ca lokaprasiddhah, tato lokata eva teşām svarūpam avagartavyam
Under anangapavitham (No. 14 is, however, treated of before No. 13) are enumerated the titles of all the texts belonging to the Siddhanta at the time of the composition of the Nandi, but not included in the angas. This enumeration is extremely interesting. It must have been retained as a stereotyped list for a long period after the composition of the Nandı, since it is to be found verbatim et litteratim not only in the Päkşikasūtra (P),898 but also in the 3 sāmācārls (see pp. 369, 370) in a form that is but slightly different.894 The great interest which attaches to this list is caused by the fact that the largest portion of the texts similar to these and now belonging to the Siddhānta is mentioned here, and that a different arrangement is observed. They are not enumerated in the special groups into which they are now divided. The names of these groups are partly wanting, e.g., uvarga. painna cheasutta
883 sattari vesiyam BCR, vasiyań omitted in A. 884 so An. Ned. vasesiyam the Berlin MS. of N. (=MS). 885 vanayan MS., Vuddhasasanam BCR, ruftha (!) vayanan A; in An. we find also
Kavilam ; also in Ned. Kaviliyan comes before Logao 886 tesiyam Ned., BC R, omit. 887 Aiready mentioned in the angas, see Bhag. 2, 246 page 304 (cf. Kalpas. pp. 35,
101) and Max Müller : India, What can it teach us ? p. 362. 888 See Ind. Stud 13, 387, 88, 425, and Agnimathara Vişnupur 3, 4, 18 (pp. 44, 45
Wilson-Hall). 889 Bhagavayan to saünaruvam omitted in An. 890 saonaruvam MS.; perhaps ruyam, otherwise the last of the 72 kalas ; see above
p. 283. In the scholiast on Avasy, 12, 36 : sqüniparo vi garahio hoi we find the following peculiar statement :- sakunisabdena caturdaśa vidyasthānāni parigthyathte: angāni cat urovedä minārsā nyāyavistarah purānam, dharmaśās tram cu sthanany ahuś caturdaśastatra igāni saf, tad yathā : fik sa vyākaranan kalpaḥ chando niruktam jyotişam iti. The position of the angas in the front of the list is one of the
remarkable things in this statement. 891 Madhara purāna vāyarana B R ; nädagādi A. 892 Hemacandrasuri on the Anuyogady. has likewise only : etacca Bharatadikan
nafakadi-paryantam frutam lokaprasiddhigamyam. 993 In the Päkşikasūtra this is introduced by the words namo tesam khamasamanāram
jehim imam vaiyam amgabahiram ukkaliyan (or kaliyam) bhagavantam, tam jaha : dasaveyaliyan... The Paksikasutram is enumerated by Raj L. M. see above p. 227, as the fourth mulasutram after the Siddhāntadharmasara. It sings the praises of each part of the Siddhanta (angabahira and duvalasañga) and contains especially
an acknowledgment of belief in the five mahavvayas. 894 The enumeration of the names in S. contains a different grammatical construction,
i.e. the names are in the genitive.