mention made of the extraction of kalpavyavahārau from pūrva 9,3,20 by Bhadrabahu. Its designation as bịhatkalpa, or vrhatsādhukalpa is unsuitable if we regard the diminutive size of the text (only 475 gr.). The conclusion (ti bemi) of udd. 4 and 6 is worthy of note.
The old bhasya in Prakrit äryās, belonging to this text, is designated simply as kalpabháşya, and is an enlargement of the "kappassa nijjutti," which the author of the Avasy, declares that he composed (2,7). See Keilhorn (in the Report on the Search of Sanskrit MSS. 1880-81, pp. ix,x), in reference to an old MSS. of it (Samvat 1218) and to its very curious use of letters of the alphabet to denote numerical notation.864 The commencement differs considerably from that in a palm-leaf MS. similar to this, but much younger (Samvat 1334), of which the Berlin Library possess a copy made on transparent paper. The commencement of the Berlin MS.-after prefacing the first 6 $$ of the text-is namo arahartanar, kāūņa namokkāram titthayaránamn tiloyamahiyānoņ| kappavvavahārāņam vakkhānavihiṁ pavakkhdmi il.
XL. The sixth chedasūtram is called parcakalpa866 in Bühler's list :see p. 226. I have not had access to a text of this name, which is repeatedly mentioned (see pp. 448-449) both in Avi, and V., together with a jiakappa. According to the Vicārāmstasaṁgraha, the pañcakappa is a work of Samghadāsavācaka, while the jitakalpa belongs to the Jinabhadragaộikşama (478] śramapa.856 We find in-it citations from both texts. The jitakalpa is also enumerated in the Ratnasāgara, p. 507, as the sixth chedasūtram. Raj. L. Mitra, however (see p. 227 above), mentions it as the last of his "five Kalpasūtras".
In lieu of commenting upon a text of the name of pancakalpa I will at least remark on the jitakalpa, which is mentioned together with it, that a sråddhajitakalpa in 141 Prakrit gåthås actually exists. It treats of the prayascitta, which suits the character of the chedasūtras exactly, but is referred to a definite author, Dharmaghoşa, scholar of Devendramuniśvara. In the anonymous commentary on it, it is designated as composed upanisatkalpa (!)-kalpa-vyavahāra ni Sithayatijitakalpānusårena. In
854 On this see Bhagvanlal Indraji on the ancient Nagari Numerals in the Indian
Antiquary, 6,42fg. (1877) and Bühler, ibid. p. 47 fg. 855 In Kielhorn's report, p. 94, there is mention made of a pancakalpasūtracurni by
Amradevåcårya. 856 See above, pp. 427,430. where both texts are counted in with the painnas. There
are there several other texts ascribed to Jinabhadra. The passage reads : Jinabhao framanakyto jirakalpaḥ, kşetrasamasah, sangrahani visesanavati ca.