4. jogasă, more exact statements in reference to the time of day
in which the nakşatras come into conjunction with the moon and the length of this conjunction.
5. kulaim, the family connections of the naks, with the months.
6. punnamäsi, the days of the full moon; how and with which
naksatra these end during each of the five years of yuga. 7. sani vāe, the mutual harmonious concatenation of the days of the
new and full moon.
8. saņțhii, figures of the nakş.
9. tāraggar, number of stars of the naks.
10. netā, leader, i.e. which nakş. lead which month ?. 11, cardamaggam, relation of the nakşatras to the 15 day-circles
of the moon. 12. devatāna ya ajjhayane, the tutelary divinities of the mak satras. 13. muhuttānam nămayai, the names of the 30 muhürtas. 14. divasarāt, the names of the 15 days and the 15 nights of the
karmamāsa, calendar month. 15. tiki, tithayaḥ, ditto of the lunar month, 16. gotta, the families of the naks,
17. bhoyaņāņi, the foods which are good during each of the naks.
That the naks. begin hero with Kfttiká (!), is due to the influence of the well-known material that is here treated of.
18. äiccacāra, course (of the naks.) with the sun or with the moon
during the yuga.
(M09J19. mäsä, names of the months of the world and thasd above the
world (lokottara, chiefly of climatic contanta). 20, parca sarnvaccharãi, the five years, viz. -
1. the nakşatra year with 12 periodic months of 32757 xvxon repa 2. the yuga year, lunar year of 3547wxonomepa