Kalimdā Videhā Vedamāīyā (gāiyā BC). Hariya Varcuña (Cando o ceva cha eya ibbhā jātito, se jātiāriy. What is the meaning of the Tast three names ?
The sixth group of the ariyās is formed by the bhäsäriya iwe find here again the enumeration of the 18 manners of writing, which we met with (p. 280) in anga 4, is, where, however, the form in which they were cited is not so correct as here. The names in this very interesting passage are as follows (together with the variants from ABC)---se kim tam bhāsāriyā ? je nam addha-Magahāe bhāsāe bhāsesti, jatthaya nam bambhi livi ("the sacred writing'') pavattai; bambhie nam livie atthärasavihalikkhavihane731 pannatte, tam, bambhi, Javanaliya Dāsäpuriya732 Kharotthi Pukkharasāriya733 Bhogavaiyā Pahārāiyau (Paha B Eha C) ya amtarakariyā (artakkharo B) akkharaputthiya734 venaiya786 ninhaiya akalivī736 gani tali vī737 gamdhavvalivi788 ayāsaliv7739 mahesarī740 Dāmili141. Polimdā748 se ttam bhāsāriya: Malayagiri has on this merely [400] brāhmi-Yavanāni (!)'ty ādayo lipibhedās tu sampradāyād avaseyāḥ. It is evident that here too we have to deal with an ancient enumeration, since we find five of these names among the 65 names of writing mentioned in Lalitavistara, Chap. 10, p. 143 fg. (ed. Rajendra - Lal Mitra, see also Foucaux, Transl. p. 123) These names are as follows, brāhmi (at the head in the Lalavist.), Kharosti,143 Puskarasār1,744 Dravi dalipi, gardharvalipi, and a few other names as ganänăvartalipi, antariksadevalipi, madhyaksaravistaralipi are not far removed from the
731 vihe leha (A, kha BC) vio4. 732 dasāürijā (üri BC) 4. 733 kharofthiya / kharasāhiyā 4. 734 in 4 in another order, pahäräiya (raio BC) uvvattariya akkharaputhiya bhoga
vaittă (ovayata BC). 735 venaniya BC in 4. 736 ankilavi A in 4, 737 4 is omitted. 738 4 then adds bhuyalivi. 739 adarnsalivi 4. 740 mehasaralivi A, māhesarilivi BC in 4. 741 damilivi livi A, dāsilalivi B, damilalivi C in 4. 742 volimda A, limdimlivi B, lidimlivi C in 4. 743 Is Kharostha who, according to Wassiljew, is called by the Chinese Buddhists the
first astronomer, honoured here under this neme? Schiesner long ago referred to the Kharosthi lipi of the Lalitavistara in this connection. Wassilijew attempts to find in Kharosti the name of a Xarustr mentioned in an Armenian chronicles who together with Zoroaster is said to have invented astronomy in Chaldaea. See
Ind. Streifen 3, 8, 9 or another conjecture on this subject. 744 The grammarian Pauskarasādi may be recalled in this connection.