arti, 523 se samásao pañcavihe paṁ [363] (natte), taṁ : parikammam584 suttaiṁ puvvagayam525 anuyogo526 cūliya ş-se kim tam parikamme ? 2 sattavihe paṁ, tar : siddha527 seņiyåparikamme, 528 manussase, buddhase,529 uggahaņaáse®, 530 uvasampajjanase°,531 vippajahaņase, cuyācuyase”;-Se kií tam siddhaseo?532
2. coddasavihe pannatte, taṁ jahā : māuyāpayāni533 egatthiyapayāim paçho atthapayāņi534 agāsapayāņi535 keūbhūyam răsibaddham egaguņam duguņam tiguņam keubhūya536-padiggahe587 santharapadiggahe538 namdavattaṁ siddhāvattam, se 'ttam siddhase; - se kim taṁ manussaseo? 2 coddasavihe par, taṁ : tăim ceva màuyāpayāiņ539 jāva naṁdāvattañ manussāvattam, 540 se 'ttam manussase°,541 - avasesăim parikammaim pädhäiyāim ekkārasavihāņi542 paṁ ; - icc (364) eyaim543 satta parikammăim, cha544
523 ABC, ijai N. 524 ABC, omme N. 525 ABC, gae N: when 1 henceforth cite N alone, ABC agree.
526 BC, °ugo A, oge N. · 527 siddhi AN. 528 etāni siddhasrenikāparikarmādi (dini) mülabhedat ah saptavidhāni, mätykāpada
dyuttarabhedāpek sayā tryašitividhāni, 'schol. on N. 529 BC, putthaseo AN. 530 BC, ugadha A, ogādha N.. 531 na BC, na AN. 532 siddhi A. 633 A, odani BC, māugāpayāim N. 1:34 BC, affha AN; in N before pădho. 535 BC, aņāsa A, āmāsa N. 536 N, bhūye BC, bhūyan A, 537 ggaho AN. 538 BC, samsao ho AN. 539 mauyäim pao BC, māuyap, A, māugap N. 540 AN, ssabaddham BC, incorrectly. 541 In N this & is differently understood, since all the 14 names are again enumerated,
and, in fact, just as above with the same variations :-mäugā', padho after aftha
payaim, āmāsao (sic!), keubhuyappadiggaho, samsarapadiggaho. 542 It follows from this ekkāras avihāni that the reading of N. which gives pādho after
atthāpayāith, is correct; otherwise there would be twelve species, not eleven. N consequently has preserved the original form of the text. N is also more exact in another point : From the text we conjecture merely that the last member of each of the seven series (after nandāvattam) begins in each case with the first part of the name of the series. Jo N, however, where as in the case of manussase and in all the foll. series, the enumeration of the 14 members is in eaeh case complete, the readings being the same as heretofore, the last member of each always varying, or it is expressly called puffhāvattam, ogādhavattam, uvasañpajjanavattam .vippaja. harāvattañ, cuăcuavattam. Further on N has frequently, sometimes in agreement with A, the better reading. Some omissions are due to the incorrectenss
of the Berlin MS. 543 eyāt in BC, eiyain AN. 544 cha s. s. aj. omitted in N, the schol. however says : eteşām ca saptānām pari