tion asserts that with Sthalabhadra the knowledge of the 4 last pūrvas10 (11-14) ceased. In consequence of this they are called dasapuvvi (cf. Nandis.), daśapūrvin ; and from that point the knowledge of the pūrva decreased gradually. In Anuyogadvārasūtra there is still mention of the first gradation lower, navapuvvi, cf. Bhag.'1 2, p. 318 so that finally in the time of Devarddhigaņi, 980 years after Vira "only one pūrva remained", cf. Klatt, ante, Vol. XI, 247b, 1882.12 Also according to śānticandra on up. 6, the dițțhivāa was entirely vyavacchinna 1000 years after Vira.
ook (214) of the first loss of them 14 to 10. Un
In the 9th book (214) of the Paris iştaparvan v. 55 ff., Hemacandra gives us a detailed account of the first loss of the knowledge of the pūrvas, viz. of the ‘reduction of their number from 14 to 10. Unfortunately in the MS. Berlin MS. or fol. 773) which lies before me, and which is rather incorrect, a leaf is lacking with v. 69-98, cf. Jacobi, Kal pasūtra, p. 11. After Hemacandra has informed us in the preceding verses about Cāņakya and Bindusāra, about Asoka and Śri-Kuņāla, and also about Samprati, be passes to the synod of Pāțaliputra, held at the end of this “wicked" period. The principal duty of this council which was to collect the śruta, from all who were in possession of any portion; and it succeeded thus in collecting the 11 angas.13 As regards the drstivāda, Bhadrabahu was the only person to whom recourse could be had. He, however, was on his way (?) to Nepal (nepāladeśamārgastha) and refused the summons of the Samgha (which had sent two Munis, to fetch him), saying that he has begun a dhyānam of 12 years, and that he could not interrupt it. The Srisamgha, however threatening him, by means of two other Munis, with the punishment of exclusion (samghavāhaya), he begged that capable scholars should be sent to him, to whom, at appointed times, he would give 7 vācanās. The Samgha thereupon sent Sthulabhadra,
10 trayodaśapūrvin, dva lasa, ekā lasa never existed according to tradition. Cf.
commencement of the avacuri to the Oghanir yukti. 11 Ueber ein Fragment der Bhagavati, two papers of the author in the Transactions
of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin 1866 (1) & (2). 12 1 cite this article as Klatt's. . 13 itaśca tasmin duskale karāle kalarātrivat/
nirvāhārtham sadhusamghas tiram niranidher yatha //55/ agunyamānam tu tada sādhūnām vismặtam śrutam anabhyasanatonaśyaty adhitam dhimatām api //56/1 samghaḥ pafaliputr (ak)e duşkalamte 'khilo milat/ yad angādhyayanoddeśādy asid yasya tad adade //5711 tataś cai 'kādaśāngāni śrisangho melayat tada/ dystivādani mittam ca tasthau kimcid vicimtayan 1/58||